domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

The eight fetters of the mind & The six enemies of the mind

The aśtapásha (eight fetters of the mind):

  1. ghrńá (hatred, revulsion)
  2. shamká (doubt)
  3. bhaya (fear)
  4. lajjá (shyness, shame)
  5. jugupsá (dissemblance)
  6. kula (vanity of lineage)
  7. shiila (cultural superiority complex)
  8. mána (egotism) 
The sadaripu (six enemies of the mind)
  1. káma (physical desire)
  2. krodhá (anger)
  3. lobha (avarice)
  4. mada (vanity)
  5. moha (blind attachment)
  6. mátsarya (jealousy)

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